Saturday, December 09, 2006

Its only money, right?

I just spent fourteen dollars at the annual tianguis (rummage sale) (called by CaboMil the 'garbage sale' O.o) and am berating myself. But money's for spending, right? Right? Right?! Oh please tell me money's for spending and that a black turtleneck, two new pairs of shoes, a Christmas ornament, a white purse (to sharpie), a glass with a cat on it (but that was free), and a paper-mache, glittery, blue cat? Please, please tell me that was worth making myself feel like a stupid rotten idiot bozo. Please.

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Where are YOU coming from?

The meek are too meek to inherit

It's Raining Cats and Frogs
And the geek shall inherit the earth.
The GEEK, I said!
Are you hard of hearing or something? The GEEK!

I am a geek.