Mastheads of Doom
After an easy Google search (Google is my friend. Google is my friend. Google knows a lot. Google is good.) I found this on mastheads. It is all well and good, but I can't figure out-- the templates are different in Beta. I was just reporting my frusturation at, well, BLOGGER! Urgh! Darn you!:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@!!!!!!!! Ato the general Internetulace1 and in particular, my Webloggerlace2, assuming, as always, that I have one.
This is the header:
What do you think? (if you couldn't read it, it said: Mind the butterflies! It's Raining Cats and Frogs.)
A: The emoticon means I am angry. The Skype version of it is very good, it first has an angry yellow face which gets redder-- and redder-- and then it explodes ^boop^ into a pile of dust!
1: Internetulace (In-ter-net-too-lus)
The populace of the Internet; people on the Internet.
Origins: The nowhere that is my brain Cosima Rose, currently of Bloggerland, My World, Mex.
Related: Webblogerlace (readership of a web blog)
2: Weblogerlace (also known as Bloggerlace, Bloglace, Webbloggerlace, Webbloglace, etc) (Web-blog-ger-lus)
Populace that reads a web blog, generally members of the Internetulace
Origins: The nowhere that is my brain Cosima Rose, currently of Bloggerland, My World, Mex.
Related: Internetulace.
1 comment:
Reply to SebThePleb
It depends on what you want to know. If you are the type of person who likes to be able to take a look at someone's life, I'd reccomend this one. But Kid of El Calendario is just mostly news. And the rest? One's to mess around with so I can get a hang of Beta without messing up my blogs that I actually do something with and the others will be stories when I get a move on them. Does that answer your question? (and by the way, thanks for commenting- this way I know someone actually READS this and I don't make my fingers sore in vain.
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