Friday, November 10, 2006

Mastheads of Doom

After an easy Google search (Google is my friend. Google is my friend. Google knows a lot. Google is good.) I found this on mastheads. It is all well and good, but I can't figure out-- the templates are different in Beta. I was just reporting my frusturation at, well, BLOGGER! Urgh! Darn you!:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@!!!!!!!! Ato the general Internetulace1 and in particular, my Webloggerlace2, assuming, as always, that I have one.

This is the header:

What do you think? (if you couldn't read it, it said: Mind the butterflies! It's Raining Cats and Frogs.)

A: The emoticon means I am angry. The Skype version of it is very good, it first has an angry yellow face which gets redder-- and redder-- and then it explodes ^boop^ into a pile of dust!

1: Internetulace (In-ter-net-too-lus)
The populace of the Internet; people on the Internet.
Origins: The nowhere that is my brain Cosima Rose, currently of Bloggerland, My World, Mex.
Related: Webblogerlace (readership of a web blog)

2: Weblogerlace (also known as Bloggerlace, Bloglace, Webbloggerlace, Webbloglace, etc) (Web-blog-ger-lus)
Populace that reads a web blog, generally members of the Internetulace
Origins: The nowhere that is my brain Cosima Rose, currently of Bloggerland, My World, Mex.
Related: Internetulace.

1 comment:

CosimaCat said...

Reply to SebThePleb
It depends on what you want to know. If you are the type of person who likes to be able to take a look at someone's life, I'd reccomend this one. But Kid of El Calendario is just mostly news. And the rest? One's to mess around with so I can get a hang of Beta without messing up my blogs that I actually do something with and the others will be stories when I get a move on them. Does that answer your question? (and by the way, thanks for commenting- this way I know someone actually READS this and I don't make my fingers sore in vain.


Where are YOU coming from?

The meek are too meek to inherit

It's Raining Cats and Frogs
And the geek shall inherit the earth.
The GEEK, I said!
Are you hard of hearing or something? The GEEK!

I am a geek.