Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Dismantle the Dead Bird.

Nostradamus dismantled a dead bird yestarday, feathers all over the guest house - office porch and all that nuisance; I wasn't sick to my stomach but it was kind of... gross... watching him tear off the wings and the head and the feathers of the wing...


I made myself feel sick. Damn.


Anonymous said...

That is kinda like the "disturbing" situation I encountered a few days ago...

CosimaCat said...

From The Authoress... To... YOU!
The emoticon was a "sick" one. FYI. And yes, that's what my darling gatties (gatos(cats, male, spanish)/kitties) are: Killing machines. "The cat cannot be improved as a killing machine". Furry, purry, cute killing machines, but beutiful, streamlined killing machines nontheless...

CosimaCat said...

...in continuation of the above...
... that's how I think of my darlings when I'm being cynical.

Where are YOU coming from?

The meek are too meek to inherit

It's Raining Cats and Frogs
And the geek shall inherit the earth.
The GEEK, I said!
Are you hard of hearing or something? The GEEK!

I am a geek.