Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I just got a website up on Google Page Maker Labs (Google is brilliant :)):
Think Again, Human- the official homepage of Cosima Cat. Lol. And I opened a new email address to use for Blogger-- I like assigning certain emails certain purposes. This one can be found on my profile.

Since I did all that hard work and read all the updates on the blogs I follow except the good ones I'm saving for tommorrow, I think I'll play some computer games now, because my poor brain needs a rest from all that serious thinking lol.

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Where are YOU coming from?

The meek are too meek to inherit

It's Raining Cats and Frogs
And the geek shall inherit the earth.
The GEEK, I said!
Are you hard of hearing or something? The GEEK!

I am a geek.